One of the biggest challenges of operating a global business that has a presence in mainland China can be sharing files securely and reliably. Elabify’s NextCloud solution has helped clients seamlessly share business documents inside and outside of China – without requiring an ICP License.

China maintains strict sovereignty on its internet and requires file sharing websites from operating without issued licenses. Common solutions such as, Google Drive,, and a growing list of many others are blocked in China. Although there are some local and global options, many of these fail to offer the level of security, control, and performance a client may wish to achieve for their users. A good alternative is to have a private ran file collaboration solution with cloud hybrid connectivity.

Elabify offers a Cloud Hybrid Connectivity solution using SSL VPN Gateway service to a customer network. This provides the ability to establish an encrypted path to a dedicated virtual private server where you can run a file sharing service at a relatively low cost point. Further, Elabify offers Object Storage mounts which provides an ultra-low cost means for storing and sharing files. Elabify utilizes encryption keys to ensure all files stored in the cloud are encrypted with a managed Customer Managed Encryption Keys (CMEK) that provide AES256 bit strong encryption.

Elabify has used NextCloud, an open source file sharing software, provided through an automated docker containers, to deliver a file sharing solution that is on-par with many global offerings. Clients who want global performance can use tailored deployments that can replicate Object Storage to multiple regions to provide the fastest possible performance with global reach.

Going to the cloud does not require a sacrifice in security. Many global clients are finding that operating in China can be challenging with their existing collaboration services, but leveraging secured cloud solutions is an optimal way to overcome these challenges.